The NCFF OWW is committed to helping those who put their lives in harm’s way to protect the rights granted to us, the citizens of the United States of America. Our mission is to boost the morale of service members wounded in the line of duty while serving to protect our country’s freedoms.
Donations are brought down to Bethesda Naval Hospital and other Wounded Warrior centers via Fire Truck Caravan. Fire Fighters from throughout the Greater New York area join our ‘parade’ from New York to military hospitals in the south.
Donations are accepted and greatly appreciated year round. Volunteers are also welcome to join our ranks, even if you are not a firefighter!
We are a 501(c) non-profit organization.
The NCFF-OWW is comprised of firefighter and EMS volunteers throughout Nassau County who conduct numerous fundraising events throughout the year to help meet our goal of providing material and moral support to the wounded men and women of our Armed Forces. Each year’s efforts culminate with a personal visit of NCFF-OWW representatives to each of the military hospitals in the area to meet with our brave wounded warriors and express our gratitude for the sacrifices that they have endured for our country.
In addition to collecting items and visiting our wounded service personnel, the NCFF-OWW organizes, on behalf of the Nassau County fire service, welcome-home receptions for local soldiers and Marines who have recovered from serious injuries.
The NCFF-OWW is NOT affiliated with the Wounded Warrior Project or any other Operation Wounded Warrior organization.